KartRider: Drift Beta Test Service Operation Policy

Articles dans cette section

  1. Basic Operation Policy
  2. Use of Beta Test Service
  3. Rights and Responsibilities of Beta Testers
  4. Restrictions on Game Usage
  5. Recovery Policy
  6. Website and Forums Policy
  7. Policy for the Protection of Customer Support’s Human Rights
  8. UGC Policy


  1. Basic Operation Policy

[1-1] KartRider: Drift (hereinafter “game”) is a game developed and serviced by NEXON Korea Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “company”) and the beta test shall be operated in accordance with the policy below. The operation policy was created in order to provide smooth service, protect the beta testers, and solve any issues that may arise while using the game in a prompt and consistent manner.


[1-2] Nexon may change the operation policy to minimize the beta testers’ inconvenience and provide stable service. In the event of changing the policy, Nexon shall notify of the relevant details through the notice on the official Nexon website (https://www.nexon.com) or the game website (https://kartrider.nexon.net/announce). Beta testers are to kindly check the details of the notice for such changes. Beta testers may not be able to receive help from Nexon for any damages or inconvenience suffered from not checking such changes.


[1-3] Matters not mentioned in this operation policy shall be processed based on Nexon’s other legal documentation located on the Nexon website (https://support.nexon.net/hc/en-us/categories/200870546-Legal),, other related laws and regulations, and general social conventions and sentiments shared by the members of society.


[1-4] This operation policy applies to all KartRider: Drift platform (PC and console) services.


  1. Use of Beta Test Service

[2-1] The beta test service is conducted with the purpose of testing the overall matters of the game, such as the content, system, balance, etc. before the official service.


[2-2] If a problem occurs or the beta test environment needs to be changed, the number of players that may access the game, access time, content, etc. may be changed or restricted, and the game data may be reset or changed at any time. In the event of such changes, there shall be a notice in advance or after on the website operated by the company or to the e-mail address of the beta tester.


[2-3] Content may be added or various errors may be corrected as necessary during the beta test service period, and the service being provided may be changed depending on other operational or technical needs.


[2-4] Problems may occur while using the game during the beta test service period. The company may inspect the system for reasons such as unavailability of smooth service or system replacement, and may temporarily suspend the beta test depending on the severity of the issue. In the event of urgent suspension of the beta test, it may take place without prior notice, and the progress shall be notified through a notice thereafter.


[2-5] The company may restrict or suspend all or parts of the service in any of the following cases.

- When there is a force majeure reason, such as war, civil war, natural disaster, or national emergency

- When there is an interruption to normal beta testing or service use due to power outage, equipment failure, excessive usage, etc.

- When maintenance work is unavoidable, such as repair of the service facilities, etc.

- When it is impossible to service the game due to various circumstances of the company


  1. Rights and Responsibilities of Beta Testers


[3-1] Rights of the beta testers

[3-1-1] Beta testers may use the content provided by the game and website during the beta test period. However, the right to ownership of the game content, such as in-game characters, items, etc. remains with the company.


[3-1-2] Beta testers may be provided with solutions through the Customer Support center or designated channels in the event of experiencing difficulties in using the game.


[3-2] Responsibilities of the beta testers

[3-2-1] Beta testers shall not inflict damage to other beta testers or negatively influence the maintenance of order, and shall cooperate with the requests of Nexon as much as possible. In the event of violating the operation policy or acting against the social norms, the use of service may be restricted in accordance with the regulations.


[3-2-2] Beta testers shall enter accurate personal information when signing up. For any damages arising from the theft of another person’s personal information or registering false information, the beta testers may not be able to receive help from the company and shall be liable for theft of personal information.

① In the event of winning a contest or event conducted by Nexon using a Nexon account registered with another person’s information, there may be an issue with the compensation, gift payment, etc., and the winning may be canceled.

② For characters, items, etc. of a Nexon account registered with another person’s information, their rights shall not be recognized and one may not receive help even if a problem occurs.


[3-2-3] Beta testers shall make an effort to protect their Nexon accounts by setting up Two-Factor Authentication provided by the company. Account problems caused by one’s negligence or mistakes may not be able to receive appropriate help from Nexon.


[3-2-4] Beta testers shall take utmost caution not to expose the Nexon account information such as the  password,  and personal information to another person, and any damages and outcomes suffered by the beta testers’ intention or negligence shall not be subject to the company’s help.


[3-2-5] Beta testers shall immediately report any errors that occur to Nexon through the Customer Support center. In the event of failing to fulfill this obligation, and abusing the bugs or spreading them to others, one may be restricted from using the game.


[3-2-6] In an online game, a community world of its own is created by individuals with various characteristics of gender, age, region, etc. As such, beta testers shall not engage in any of the following activities and in the event of being found of engaging in such activities, they may be disqualified as a beta tester, or be punished by being restricted from using the in-game content or Nexon account.

- Act of harming public morals and other social order

- Act of damaging the reputation of others or infringing their rights

- Act of defaming or threatening other beta testers, or infringing their human rights

- Act of engaging in commercial activities, such as advertising a product of another company, etc. on the game and website

- Act of inducing general revulsion, including explicit sexual expressions, profanity, vulgarism, slang, antisocial expressions, etc.

- Act of trading Nexon accounts, and in-game items and characters offline

- Act of intentionally abusing the errors found on the program without reporting them or sharing them with other beta testers

- Act of distributing the content that may cause copyright problems on the game or website without the permission of the copyright holder

- Act of changing the beta test client program without the permission of the company, hacking the beta test server, or arbitrarily changing parts of the website

- Other abnormal behaviors as deemed by social norms, recognized by both the company and beta testers


  1. Restrictions on Game Usage


[4-1-1] Nexon may take appropriate measures to protect other beta testers by promptly responding to all acts that interfere with the smooth operation of the game or destroy the game environment in accordance with the general order and norms shared by the beta testers and Nexon.


[4-1-2] Beta testers may report to the Customer Support center in the event of witnessing an act that corresponds to Paragraph [3-2-6] during the beta test period. Action may be taken following monitoring based on the details of the report.


[4-1-3] In the event of an act that interferes with the order within the game being found, the beta tester shall be disqualified. A Nexon account that has been disqualified shall be prevented from participating in any beta tests that may be conducted in the future.


[4-1-4] Even if a beta tester does not directly violate the policy, the beta tester may be restricted from using the game if it is confirmed that the beta tester was involved in the act.


[4-1-5] If an act that repeatedly violates the operation policy in the same system information (IP, PC, etc.), a Nexon account accessed from the same system information may be recognized as the same person and be restricted from using the game.


[4-1-6] In the event of inflicting adverse influence on the game due to repeated occurrence of abnormal use of the game on the same system information (IP, PC, etc.), the use of the game may be restricted on the corresponding system information until the reason for the abnormal use has been resolved.


[4-1-7] If a situation that requires additional measures to be taken occurs, such as for acts that severely destroy the gaming environment by violating the operation policy, Nexon may take legal action against the person or concerned person(s) thereof who caused the problem.


[4-1-8] In the event of re-registering after deleting a Nexon account that had been sanctioned for violating the operation policy, the new Nexon account may be subject to restrictions of usage for the remaining sanction period of the deleted Nexon account.


[4-1-9] In the event of an obscene act of chat being found that directly mentions sexual content, or suggests or directly mentions sexual content to any person that makes them feel sexually harassed, access to the game may immediately be restricted. Depending on the results of the investigation, measures such as restricting the use of the game permanently, consulting an investigative authority, etc. may be taken.


[4-1-10] The usage restrictions mentioned in this operation policy refer to the restriction on the use of the Nexon account and game characters for all platforms (PC and console) that provide the KartRider: Drift service.


[Reference] Definition of terms for usage restrictions (sanction)



Beta test usage restriction

Use of the KartRider: Drift game shall be restricted for the specified period.

Beta tester disqualification

Use of the KartRider: Drift game shall be restricted and the user shall be disqualified from participating in the beta test.

※ A Nexon account  that has been disqualified shall be prevented from participating in any beta tests that may be conducted in the future.


  1. Recovery Policy

[5-1] The gameplay information used for beta testing purposes may be initialized during beta testing or upon completion of beta testing. As such, even if there are changes in data, such as character abnormality, item loss, etc. arising from system unavailability or bugs during the beta testing period, they shall not be subject to compensation or recovery.


[5-2] Damage caused by the beta tester's negligence, such as fraud, account theft, etc. shall also not be recovered during the beta testing period.


  1. Website and Forums Policy

[6-1] The game website and Forums were set up to share various useful information related to the game being tested and to accommodate a more fun game-playing experience.


[6-2] Nexon may edit, move, or delete any posts that fall under violations without prior notice in order to create a sound community culture.


[6-3] Nexon shall prevent damage from being inflicted on other beta testers that could result from unsound acts of certain beta testers. For this purpose, Nexon may restrict the use of the game website and Forums by certain beta testers who violated the terms in accordance with the prescribed usage restriction standards and steps.


※ For all content on the website, it is applied in accordance with the website usage restriction standards.


  1. Policy for the Protection of Customer Support’s Human Rights

Nexon Customer Support's primary goal is to assist the beta testers. However, inquiries containing abusive language, such as profanity, depreciation, etc. may be suspended.

Treating the service representatives with respect is a measure to be taken by all beta testers who will be using the service. The company guarantees the respectful treatment of all executives and employees, and actively protects it. In the event of users interfering with the operation of the game by infringing the human rights of service representatives, they may get warned, the service may get suspended, and game usage may be restricted.


[7-1] Acts that interfere with the operation of the game by violating the human rights of service representatives are as follows.

① An act of engaging in a Customer Support interaction through continuously profane, sexually harassing, shame-inducing, human right-infringing, and threatening inquiries

② Other words and actions that interfere with the Customer Support interaction that can directly/indirectly inflict severe psychological damage

※ Customer Support shall be resumed that does not contain violations of the operation policy.

※ As per the example below, if the degree of violating the human rights of service representatives is deemed to be severe, the use of the game may be restricted without prior warning.

① Profanity, insult, or abusive language aimed at the appearance or certain part of the body of the service representative

② Requesting the service representative for a personal meet-up, or words and actions containing obscene jokes

③ Sexual expression, profanity, or abusive words aimed at or using the service representative’s family members

④ Sharing offensive photos or images

⑤ Any attempt to identify the service representative’s name, address or other personal information.

※ If profanity, sexual harassment, or human right infringement is identified in multiple Nexon accounts accessed from the same IP or device information, it may be regarded as an act conducted by the same person and measures may be taken accordingly.


  1. UGC Policy

[8-1] UGC (User-Generated Contents) refers to all content that can be created directly by the users within the game and the content produced by using the sticker and livery systems corresponds to UGC.


[8-2] Users may freely produce/post UGC within the game. In this case, the ‘applied design’ belongs to the user who produced the content, but the intellectual property rights and copyrights for the ‘sticker items’ or ‘livery items to which the design has been applied’ remain with ‘KartRider: Drift’. (However, this does not apply to cases where the ‘applied design’ infringes the rights of another person.)


[8-3] All UGC shall be produced in a manner that does not violate the [3-2] responsibilities of the beta testers, and any UGC that violates this term may be changed/deleted/blocked without warning.


Supplementary Provision 1.

This operation policy is effective at the same time as the posting of KartRider: Drift on the website.

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