Deleting your KartRider: Drift account data on PlayStation

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Note: The steps in this article are for players using a console device, and may be different for those who are playing the game through PC or mobile.

Deleting your KartRider: Drift account data on PlayStation

By following the process below, you will delete all KartRider: Drift data associated with your Nexon account. This includes currency, karts, skins, account progress, purchase history, and more. Once the deletion process is complete, your account data will be lost and cannot be restored. 

Note: This process will not delete your Nexon account entirely, only your KartRider: Drift-related data. (To delete your Nexon account, please refer to How can I delete or deactivate my account?) All data for other games associated with your account will remain unchanged.

Additionally, this process will not remove the KartRider: Drift game files from your device. To remove the game files, please follow your device manufacturer’s prescribed process for app deletion.

How to delete your KartRider: Drift account data

  1. Launch KartRider: Drift.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Open the menu by clicking “Menu” in the bottom left.
  4. Select “Settings,” then “Manage Account.”
  5. Select the “Delete Account” button.
  6. Type “KartRiderDrift” in the input window, then select the “OK” button.
  7. Select the “OK” button to return to the title screen.


Considerations for the deletion process: 

  • It takes 15 days for the account data to be fully deleted.
  • At any time during this 15-day window, you can cancel the request by logging into the app with the associated Nexon account.
  • If you are attempting to delete in order to re-link to a Play Now account, you will need to wait for the 15-day deletion period to be completed before being able to link.
  • Do not open the game again during the deletion period or you will have to restart the process from the beginning.
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