Season 5 Known Issues

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Known Issues:
- Common -
● (Resolved) An issue in which FPS drops when you watch your replay.
● (Checking) Time Attack history differs from actual time.
● (Checking) Issue where the Racing Pass progress UI in the Lobby displays overlapping elements or an afterimage when the Racing Pass level increases.
- PC Platform -
● Some out-of-date graphics card drivers do not run the game normally.
✅ Workaround: Please update each manufacturer's latest graphics driver and play the game. Check and download the latest graphics card drivers:
NVIDIA Graphics Card Driver
AMD Graphics Card Driver

● When running KartRider: Drift on a PC that uses an Intel CPU (6th gen or higher) internal graphics card (also known as integrated graphics), the game may disconnect or close.
✅ Workaround: Please update the compatibility mode of the game executable file to “Windows 7” and then run the game.
- The game executable is "Kartdrift.exe" within the installation folder. If you are on Steam, simply right click the game and select "Properties" -> "Local Files" -> "Browse." If you are on Nexon launcher see the below image for the default file path.
- Right-click the executable file, then select the “Compatibility” tab, from there please change the compatibility mode to "Windows 7."
- Mobile Platform -
● (Fixed) Issue where occasionally, when activating voice chat for the first time with a Bluetooth device connected, the game crashes.
✅ Workaround: This issue occurs only once, and after connecting Bluetooth you can use voice chat without any further crashes.

● (Checking) Voice chat does not function on iOS devices after locking the screen or putting KartRider: Drift in the background.
✅ Workaround: You can use the voice chat by closing the game application and restarting.

● (Checking) Voice chat is heard from the device on the iOS device when using some Bluetooth devices and entering a custom race.
✅ Workaround: Connect the affected Bluetooth device again after entering the custom race.line-break.png

- Console Platform -

● (Checking) Issue where the menu focus occasionally disappears when accessing the Settings while in a Party.
✅ Workaround: If the menu focus disappears when you open the Settings while in a Party, un-Ready yourself and reopen Settings afterward.

We apologize for any inconveniences caused by these issues.
We promise to work as quickly as possible to resolve these!

- Fixed Issues -
Fixed an issue where the frame rate could drop while playing a Replay.
(Mobile Only) Fixed an issue where KartRider: Drift would sometimes close after connecting with a Bluetooth device for the first time after enabling Voice Chat.

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